

Conducting Entrance Exam

1. Admission Requirements
1.1 A recent video recording(s) of the applicant (facing the camera) conducting a chamber ensemble, a wind ensemble, an orchestra, or a choir. The video should be at least 30 minutes and includes both rehearsal (preferably in English) and performance footages. It is highly recommended that the video shows the applicant conducting various styles of music. Please list the links to the recording (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.) on a document file. 
1.2 Resumé or Curriculum Vitae
1.3. List of repertoire studied and conducted 

Please note that the application materials are for the pre-screening process. After the preliminary screening, the qualified applicants will be invited to the campus to take the entrance examinations and conducting audition. The repertoire will be announced with the invitation. 

2. Major Entrance Exam
2.1 Written exam
– Format: Written exam; essays
– Contents: Major topics in conducting. This will include an analysis of a symphonic work, a short essay on the repertoire and its history.
2.2 Aural Skills Exam and Interview
– Format: An aural test where an examiner will ask the auditionee to demonstrate the their aural skills via sight-singing and identifying chords.
– Contents: Sight-singing the melody, singing arpeggiated chords, identifying harmonic progressions.

3. Conducting Audition
– Format: Conducting and rehearsing a live ensemble

English Proficiency Requirement

All incoming students must meet an English language requirement. Applicants can submit a copy of the score report from one of the following exams (or * from the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University, Salaya campus).

(MU GRAD Test + Speaking)
(Entrance Requirement)
(Except Doctoral Level)
Graduate Diploma/ Masters/
Higher Graduate Diploma 
(W=10, S=10)
(W=5.0, S=5.0)
(W=17, S=15)
(W=10, S=10)
(W=12, S=12)
(W=6.0, S=6.0)
(W=23, S=19)

W = Writing, S = Speaking

• English scores must not exceed 2 years from the date of the test English to the date of application for the entrance examination.
• IELTS Indicator English exam scores are not accepted.
• Applicants must submit their English exam score to the College of Music with their application.
• Applicants who are accepted for admission must submit their exam score to FGS database at

Music Theory and History Placement Exam

Basic Music Proficiencies
All incoming graduate* students are required to demonstrate general music proficiencies in basic music subjects, such as music theory and music history. For students that are unable to pass the exams, they must take additional review courses during the first year of study.

1. Required Exams

Western Instruments1. Western Music Theory   2. Western Music History
Thai/Eastern Instruments1. Western Music Theory   2. Thai Music Theory and History
Jazz Instruments (M.M. and D.M.)1. Jazz Proficiency Exam

2. General Exam Information
(1) Students who do not pass the exam(s) must take the respective basic course(s), which will be assigned by the Admission committee.
(2) Students must take any assigned basic courses the first time they are offered and for zero credit hours

3. Assigned Basic Courses after Music Proficiency Exams
The following table lists the basic courses that students must take if they cannot pass the Basic Music Proficiencies exams

TypeRequired ExamsBasic Courses from Basic Music Proficiencies
Western Instruments1. Western Music TheoryMSTC 530MSTC 635
2. Western Music HistoryMSCY521MSCY 648
Thai/Eastern Instruments1. Western Music TheoryMSTC 530MSTC 635
2. Thai Music Theory and HistoryMSTH512
MSCY 522MSCY 648
Jazz Instruments (M.M. and D.M.)1. Jazz Proficiency ExamMSJA 511
MSJA 512

Code detail:
MSTC 530 Western Music Theory Review
MSCY 521 Perspective of Western Music History
MSCY 522 Perspective of Thai Music History
MSTH 512 Thai Music Theory Review
MSJA 511 Perspective of Jazz History
MSJA 512 Jazz Theory Review
MSTC 635 Core Concepts in Music Theory
MSCY 648 Core Concepts in Music History

Tuition Fees

Thai students

MajorYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4All Program

International students

MajorYear 1Year 2Year 3Year 4All Program

*the tuition fees might be change according to the Faculty of Graduate Studies, Mahidol University’s announcement*