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The College of Music, Mahidol University held a ThaiBev Scholarship Award Ceremony for our students.
เดือนกันยายนนี้ วิทยาลัยดุริยางคศิลป์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหิดล ได้จัดงานครบรอบ ๓๐ ปี ภายใต้ชื่องาน Mahidol Music Fest: The 30th Anniversary of the College of Music, Mahidol University ในช่วงวันที่ ๒๐-๒๒ กันยายน ที่ผ่านมา
Steven Mead is well known and respected by his high-profile work in brass performance and pedagogy. He is Professor at …
Born 1945 in Evanston, Illinois. Lived in the Chicago area through Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Northwestern University. Joined the …
Born in Hsinchu Taiwan, Linda S. Cheng & her family immigrated to the US when she was 12. Her formative …
the College of Music, Mahidol University hold a Graduation Ceremony for the Academic year 2023 at the Music Auditorium, College of Music, Mahidol University