- Deadline for submission: December 13th 2024
- Finalist Announcement: December 25th 2024
- Final Round: January 24-26th 2025
- The competition is open to all ages and all nationalities.
- Competitors are allowed to apply for more than one instrument.
- The TIJC Competition is opened only for instruments capable of creating melody (i.e. Instruments with musical pitches).
- Best Soloist: 50,000 Thai Baht. Certificate
- Second Prize: 20,000 Thai Baht with certificate
- Third Prize: 15,000 – Thai Baht with certificate
- 2 Consolation Prizes: 5,000 Thai Baht each with certificate
All finalists will receive a certificate, adjudicator comments and performance recorded (Send via E-mail within 1 month)
4. AUDITION / PERFORMANCE PROCEDURES: The competition consists of two rounds.
a. Pre-recorded Audition Round
- Competitors must submit a live recording of his / her performance of two jazz songs – one swing and one non-swing (ballad, latin…). Recordings should be in one of these digital audio formats ( MP3, WMA, or Wave File are acceptable) with good sound quality. Video recordings are not accepted.
- The recording must be submitted by fill in a link of an uploaded audio file (MP3, WMA, or Wave File) from YouTube into a Application form.
- Each song submitted for Audition must at least consist of: Head in, Solo, and Head out.
- Total length of the sound recordings must be no longer than 15 minutes. Recordings of each song must be of the complete live performance and not edited in any way.
- Recorded songs must be accompanied by at least one instrument.
- Applicant must attest that the submitted sound recording is of the applicant’s performance and that the songs have not been edited in any way. – Submission of a recording of any other player or an edited recording will result in immediate disqualification.
b. Final Round
- In the final round, each competitor is required to perform one song. The performed song will be randomly drawn on stage before the song performance.
- The list of the songs for each type are as follows:
800 Thai baht
**no refunds in all cases
Please fill in the given Application form.