Mahidol Music Career Week 2022

Mahidol Music Career Week 2022 is an opportunity for our community to learn from leading music industry professionals, as this exchange of knowledge, experiences and expertise will enhance proficiency and self development.

The theme will be centered around Music Entrepreneurship and include a variety of related topics, such as finance management for musicians, interdisciplinary of music and other art disciplines, communication and stress management skills, NFTs and AI in the music industry, and how to develop a “service mindset” in music business.

The Career Development Center Team kindly invites everyone to join these live streaming sessions, organized every evening from the 24th-28th of January, and to connect for an inspiring week together!

Stay tuned at Facebook Page: Mahidol Music Career Development Center

• 24/1, 6-7 pm: Jonas Jan Dept & Oat Montien, interdisciplinary music & art
• 25/1, 7-8pm: Polyiam Palitponganpim พลเยี่ยม ผลิตผลการพิมพ์, สื่อสารอย่างไรให้ต๊าชชช
• 26/1, 7-8 pm: Arisrakorn Aurpatcharapol, ธุรกิจบันทึกเสียง ที่ห้ามมองเป็น”ธุรกิจ”
• 27/1, 7-8 pm: Kamin Phakdurong, The future for Musicians: How can NFTs and AI change the music industry?
• 28/1, 6-7 pm: Tille Van Gastel, Performance Coaching
• 28/1, 8-9 pm: Pongsathorn Surapab, Kunathon Wattanavit, Nattapat Thanesvorakul; Money 101: Finance for Musicians and Freelancing