Career Highlights
Assst. Prof. Dr. Christopher Schaub, a native of the USA, joined the staff of the College of Music, Mahidol University (Thailand) in 2007, where he currently serves as instructor of bassoon, Assistant Dean for International Admissions and Woodwind Department Chair. He additionally teaches various lecture courses, including those in music theory, performance practice, music education, research methodology, and chamber music. Dr. Schaub is also a founding board member of the Asian Double Reed Association (ADRA). In August of 2011 he hosted the first international conference of the ADRA, held at the College of Music, Mahidol University. In 2023 he will host the annual conference of the International Double Reed Society (IDRS) at the College of Music.
Dr. Schaub is currently principal bassoon of the Thailand Philharmonic Orchestra (TPO), Thailand’s leading educational ensemble. In 2009 Dr. Schaub performed the Weber Bassoon Concerto in F Major and in 2011 performed the Mozart Symphony Concertante, both with the TPO. He additionally plays principal bassoon with the Bandung Philharmonic Orchestra (Indonesia) and has performed in numerous orchestras while living in the United States.
Dr. Schaub has many research interests, including bassoon pedagogy and literature, as well as the development of woodwind teaching and playing in Thailand. Dr. Schaub has also conducted research in music therapy, focusing on behavior modification in visually-impaired children.
2006 – Florida State University (USA) – Doctor of Music
2006 – Florida State University (USA) – Music Theory Pedagogy Certificate
2004 – Florida State University (USA) – Master of Music
2000 – Towson University (USA) – Bachelor of Science (Music Education)