Mahidol Music International Network (MMIN)
The Mahidol Music International Network (MMIN) is a collective of institutions around the world aligned by the common goal of internationalization by fostering events between partner institutions, as well as exchange of students and faculty. Our network is grouped into two categories: alliances and partner schools.
International Alliances
We belong to three international alliances, which aim to increase collaboration among institutions in the part of the world they are hosted.
- Music Education Alliance Across the Belt and Road, Asia (China)
- Pacific Alliance of Music Schools (PAMS), Asia Pacific Rim
- International Benchmarking Group (Global)
- Erasmus+ (Europe)
Music Education Alliance Across the Belt and Road, Asia (China)
We belong to a Music Alliance between regions along the “One Belt, One Road”, which aim for promoting exchange and to increase collaboration among music institutions, especially in organizing ventures in the preservation of traditional music, composition of contemporary music, performance research and education in music.
IBE website:
Belt and Roas Partners:
Pacific Alliance of Music Schools (PAMS), Asia Pacific Rim
PAMS was initiated to create closer ties between the institutions and build the region as a driving force of music education and culture:
More information: Pacific Alliance of Music Schools
International Benchmarking Group (Global)

International Benchmarking Group
Erasmus+ (Europe)

Erasmus+ is the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in Europe. Its budget of €14.7 billion will provide opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad. Merging seven prior programmes, it has opportunities for a wide variety of individuals and organisations.
Erasmus+ Partner Universities
- University of Agder, Kristiansand (Norway)
- Academy of Music in Krakow (Poland)
- Conservatorio di Musica “Giuseppe Tartini (Italy)
- Conservatorio Superior De Música De Vigo (Spain)
- Conservatorio Superior de Música Manuel Castillo de Sevilla, Spain
For more information :
Our Partners Schools
Our partner schools represent institutions where we have MOU agreements for exchange projects, faculty and students (with credit-transfer).
To establish a partnership with us, please send an email to: or ask a faculty member from our institution to make contact with our International Relations Office on your behalf.