Dirk Johan Stromberg is a production professional and performance researcher. His work focused on the intersection of design, technology, and improvisation. His vertical integration approach to production has led to innovative Virtual Reality telematic spaces, large-scale installation works, and new instruments which have been used in performance in shows throughout Europe, Asia, North America, and Australia.
His work in virtual worlds began with his association with the arts collective Kaon’CPT in 2020. Here he combined his extensive experience in telematics with new concepts of production that included working in new Hubs environments and mixed technology and various hybrid performances. This work grew into a smaller collective named RedSpills, which has presented performances and their research at NIME, NowNet Arts, and La Sat. They were also the recipient of a Web XR Artist in Residency at La Sat, Montreal, to develop telematic approaches to performances in VR spaces. This residency culminated in a prototype Oscurterium, where one can participate in and experience live performances with high-quality audio anywhere in the world.
As a maker and audio engineer, Dirk has created a number of large-scale production works and installations. These include research into developing psychoacoustic software as well as looking at hybrid audio over IP networks for seamless integration of audio from commercial to open-source protocols. Other installations, such as Line Segments, have looked at blurring the lines between performer, audience, and composer. The work is a large-scale interactive instrument and sculpture that Dirk created for other artists to collaborate with through a control network that allows for performance data to be used and shared with ease.
Dirk’s practice has led to a strong focus on instrument design. Over the years he has developed a number of instruments at various scales as both a researcher and performer. His instruments have been commissioned as part of research projects funded by the National Arts Council, Singapore, as well developed as part of his own performance practice as an improviser. He has performed extensively with his creations, which often spark the imagination of audiences.